Layoffs are not usually 100% unexpected.
Coronavirus changed all that.
These are the steps you need to take immediately after being laid off to soften the blow.
1. Immediate Actions
Cancel any sort of subscriptions or memberships that aren’t necessary and immediately start saving.
2. Seek Government Assistance
Make sure you register for whatever program applies to you.
3. Put Away the Credit Cards
Substituting your lifestyle on credit is not a smart move right now — resist the temptation.
4. Prioritize Expenses
When cash is tight, you need to prioritize which bills are most important. Food, shelter and health are #1.
5. Start Networking
Past bosses, peers, friends, family. Now is not the time to be shy, you need people to know you’re on the market.
6. Get a Temporary Job
Something a below your last pay grade, upwork, fiverr (gig economy) will help weather tough times.
You won’t be mentally able to perform at a level you need to, to secure a better job than the one you were laid off from, if you’re worried about money, food and health.
Get something to keep you comfortable and then move upwards from there.
It’s all going to be ok.