Don’t have a product or an idea.
The most important thing in startups is:
Not to have an idea & not to have a product.
But to have both.
It seems obvious… but it isn’t.
Everyone has ideas & everyone has products.
Ideas are cheap.
Products are (almost) as cheap.
But for everyone to understand what a good idea is and a good product is, and to stay with it and actually see success.
Some ‘behind the scenes’ work needs to be done.
And most startups don’t do that — they collect ideas and products and toss them into the ether.
And that’s not good for the startups and not good for the consumers.
Most people think of the idea or a product, and it’s not unusual for multiple ideas and products to be the same as their predecessors.
When it’s not, it’s not unusual for the idea or product to look dead or uninteresting.
Products don’t work because they were conceived in a vacuum; they fail because they fail to meet the market’s expectations.
Ideas don’t work because they’re conceived without a plan. They don’t have an understanding of how to take the thing in your head and sell it to the market.
A product is bound to fail if it tries to go it alone.
A idea is bound to fail if it tries to go it alone.
You aren’t going build, inspire and influence as a member of the market unless you become part of the market.
You need to make sure that you have great intuition about your need, your product, and your audience.
You need to understand the market, the market’s expectations, and your product, your idea and your vision so that you can anticipate and satisfy the customers’ needs.
A good product + idea won’t ever fail.
It will succeed.
Even when it hasn’t been tried, it can still succeed if it’s discovered for the right reason.
You have to build something that people want, even if they don’t know they want it yet.
People don’t know what they want yet because they haven’t been given a chance to decide.
It’s up to you to give them a chance.
Become part of the market.
Bring them a product + idea.
This is the quickest way to hack success and make sure you align your passion, with your ideas, with your product with your market and actually succeed as an entrepreneur.